Saturday, August 31, 2019

Best Day Essay

Have you ever felt the emotion when you are going to see your favorite band or singer alive in a concert. This happened to me when I went to Sofia last year to see one of my favorite singers Enrique Iglesias. It was fantastic experience that I will never forget. The day was near, it was ten days befor the concert, and every day I asked my father for permission and money. One day he finally said â€Å"yes†, and he gave me the money. He told me that it was the gift for my birthday. I was so happy and immediately called my friend to tell her about the news. The next day we bought our tickets and we were waiting for the big day.We couldn’t believe that we would be in the most waited concert on September 29th , we never thought that in few hours, we would sing all the song of our favorite singer. When we arrived,we sat in the chairs, and we were waiting for Enrique. The lights turned off and all the auditory screamed like they were crazy. The orchestra began to play one of my favorite songs. The best singer appeared in the scene. That moment was so awesome and exciting for me, and everyone was all of the songs. In conclusion, I will tell tha, the concert was a big experience for me and I was so happy. At the end, we bought some souvenirs from the concert, like a shirt, some posters and a cup. The concert finished at 12 p.m. and we came back to our town with an experience that I will never forget. I will remember this moment as if it had been yesterday.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Large Intestine Essay

Many people often confuse the large intestine with the small intestine. However the large intestine is wider (about 3 inches) yet shorter than the small intestine  (in humans about 4. 9 feet in length as compared with 22 – 25 feet for the small intestine) and has a smooth inner wall. (Britannica)   Ã‚   The large intestine consists of the cecum, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, rectum and anus. The longitudinal muscle of the muscularis  externa is concentrated into 3 bands called teniae coli. These 3 bands of muscle form pouches (haustra) because they are shorter than the rest of the colon. The epithelium of the mucosa is mostly goblet cells, and has a numerous  amount of crypts, there are no villi. (Martini, Ph. D. ) The ileocecal valve (sphincter) prevents materials from moving back into the ileum. In the upper half of the large intestine, enzymes from the small intestine complete the digestive process and bacteria produces the B vitamins (B12, thiamin, and riboflavin) as well as vitamin K. Martini, PhD) The large intestine’s primary function is to absorb water and electrolytes from digestive residues and storage of fecal matter until it can be expelled. The large intestine is the last attraction in digestive tube and the location of the terminal phases of digestion. In comparison to other regions of the tube, there are huge differences among species in the relative size and complexity of the large intestine. Nonetheless, in all species it functions in three processes:   (Marieb) *Recovery of water and electrolytes *Formation and storage of feces Microbial fermentation A wide variety of diseases and disorders occur in the large intestine. The most frequent and common disease of the large intestine is Crohn’s disease. The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. ( Britannica) Apart from the greater tendency for fistulas to form and for the wall of the intestine to thicken until the channel is obstructed, it is distinguishable from ulcerative colitis by microscopic findings. In Crohn’s disease, the maximum damage occurs beneath the mucosa, and lymphoid conglomerations, known as granulomata, are formed in the submucosa. Crohn’s disease attacks the perianal tissues more often than does ulcerative colitis. Although these two diseases are not common, they are disabling. ( Britannica) Because there is no specific etiology, a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids and aminosalicylic acid compounds, is used to treat Crohn’s disease. (Web MD) The drugs are effective both in treating acute episodes and in suppressing the disease over the long term. Depending on the circumstances, hematinics, vitamins, high-protein diets, and blood transfusions are also used. Surgical resection of the portion of the large bowel affected is often done. The entire colon may have to be removed and the small intestine brought out to the skin as an ileostomy an opening to serve as a substitute for the anus. In ulcerative colitis, as opposed to Crohn’s disease, the rectal muscle may be preserved and the ileum brought through it and joined to the anus. (Web MD) Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the major sugar found in milk. Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Lactose intolerance is a problem caused by the digestive system. (lactose) People who do not have enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose they consume may feel very uncomfortable when they digest milk products.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Consumers’ Preferences for Coca Cola and Pepsi Essay

Recommendation provided by Yayra Consulting firm for the Coca Cola Corporation and Pepsi Corporation is as follows:Based on the survey I found that a majority preferred Coca Cola over Pepsi. The consumers that preferred Coca Cola were influenced by the products taste. Both Coca Cola consumers as well as Pepsi consumers were loyal to their product of preference. In both cases I found consumers who have consumed Coca Cola and Pepsi for over 20 years. I recommend that Coca Cola continue to invest in advertisements due to the fact that from those who preferred Coca Cola were influenced by their advertisements and their use of celebrities. Consumers did say that if they did not have a choice and Pepsi was their only choice they would sometimes drink Pepsi. This leads me to recommend Coca Cola to increase their presence in areas where they currently are not. This will give the consumer an option and loyal consumers will stay with their preference. I would recommend that Coca Cola ensures t hat their product is available at the convenience of their consumers. My recommendation for Pepsi would be to target the younger community by incorporating cartoon characters on their products. This recommendation is due to the fact that from those surveyed I found that the younger generation liked the Pepsi sweeter taste more than what those surveyed described as crisp flavor for Coca Cola. Pepsi:Two out of the 5 people surveyed preferred Pepsi over Coca Cola. Out of the two surveyed for Pepsi both preferred Pepsi’s taste. Price did not influence choice. Out of the two Pepsi preferred consumers stated that they drank < 1 cup – 4 cups per day. Of the two surveyed both stated that they would sometimes chose Coca Cola if they had no other choice. Of the two surveyed the years consuming the product ranged from 9 – 20 + years. Only one of the two surveyed exclusively consumed Pepsi in their family. Both Pepsi consumers surveyed were attracted to Pepsi’s advertisements. APPENDIX BProduct Profitability analysis between Coca Cola and Pepsi:The product I have chosen is Coca Cola versus Pepsi for analysis. From research I found that Coca Cola net sales/revenues were $24,088,000. Cost of goods sold were $8,154,000 the difference between both sales/revenues and cost of goods sold resulted in a gross profit of $15,924,000 in 2006. The net income in 2006 was $5,080,000. For Pepsi I found that net revenue for 2006 were $35,137,000. Cost of goods sold was $15,762,000. The difference between the revenue and cost of goods sold in 2006 for Pepsi showed a net profit of $6,439,000. The net income in  2006 was $6,439,000. The importance of the financial data is to show areas in which the corporation is excelling and may want to continue to invest in. The financial data analysis in detail also reveals areas in which the corporation is losing money and from the findings the corporation can decide to change its approach in the particular area in order to prevent further financial losses. Also, the data helps management to identify these areas where there is loss and take action that leads to increased profits. Based on the net income of 2006 for Pepsi I would say one of the factors that contribute to the edge they have over Coca Cola is that Pepsi is more diversified in the products that they produce. Pepsi not only distributes the nonalcoholic beverages they also distribute a variety of sweet and salty snack products. APPENDIX CSWOT ANALYSIS – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats:Strengths:Coca Cola:Coca Cola is a well established international nonalcoholic beverage corporation. They are well established in the market and are one of the largest nonalcoholic beverage companies in the world. Coca cola has over 400 brands from water to sports drinks. Coca Cola continues to invest in advertisements for their products, which contributes to their strong presence in the beverage market. They are addressing innovative ways to provide healthy drinks for consumers. Pepsi:Pepsi is also a well established international nonalcoholic beverage corporation. In addition to beverages Pepsi sells snacks such as the Frito Lay chips. They operate globally and have penetrated the market through advertisements, which influences increased sales. Pepsi using a distribution network to sell their products. They sell to distributors based on customer needs. Their established presence in the market contributes to their continued success and sets the stage for new successes with new products distributed by Pepsi. Weaknesses:Coca Cola:Coca Cola in 2006 some external factors caused a  reduction in income due to foreign exchange negatively impacted operation income in a decrease of 1% in European Union, Bottling investments, Brazil, and Latin America. Higher interest rates also affected Coca Colas profits. In 2006 they had a decrease of $42M compared to the prior year. Their main competitor which is Pepsi has a strong presence in not only the nonalcoholic beverages but also in salty snacks such as the Frito Lay chips corporation. Coca Cola products are strictly beverage drinks and I believe that this is a weakness for them. Pepsi:Similar to Coca Cola Pepsi operates on customer demand. If they were to market a new product that consumers don’t like Pepsi is at risk of losing sales and revenue. Other factors that can have a negative impact to Pepsi’s continued success are external factors like inflation, interest rates, and political issues. This corporation is heavily dependant on technology to run the day-to-day business. If anything were to go wrong with the technology they can be negatively impacted. Another issue that is of concern to the Pepsi organization is the fact that in recent years consumers have become more aware of health concerns. People are beginning to hold those responsible for distributing foods that are disease causing such as illnesses associated with obesity. To continue on the topic of health, Pepsi continues to distribute diet drinks containing aspartame which has been linked to cancer. APPENDIX C (Continued)Opportunities:Coca Cola:Coca Cola continues to invest on innovative products. This leads to having the ability to stay ahead of their competitors such as Pepsi. With Coca Cola being an international business the ability to be innovative provides further success in an ever changing world. In regards to being innovative, through innovation Coca Cola has the opportunity to put out healthy products into the market and address how their product affects the health of their consumers. Coca Cola to date has increased their diet products by through their partnership with Splenda, a diet substitute, by providing a variety of diet Coca Cola drinks. I also believe that Coca Cola should branch out like Pepsi into the snack industry. By doing so,they can have more of a competitive edge over Pepsi by providing snacks that are healthy in combination with innovative health drinks. Pepsi:Pepsi already participates in the distribution of snacks as well as their Pepsi drinks however, the snacks distributed are considered to be unhealthy. They should put more focus on providing healthier products for the consumer. This would provide more profitable opportunities for Pepsi. They would be reaching consumers who in today’s changing world are more health conscience than ever before. APPENDIX C (Continued)Threats:Coca Cola:The threats for Coca Cola are the constant increase new competitors entering the market. They have to constantly be aware of who their competitors are and what they are offering the market so that they can stay ahead of their competitors. Coca Cola dependence on technology is also a threat because in today’s advanced technological world there is always some kind of external threat including hackers, viruses that can corrupt critical financial information as well as product information. Another factor that can be a threat to Coca Cola is the interest rates increase. This can directly affect Coca Cola’s profits which can result in a loss. Pepsi:The threats for Pepsi are their contribution to the unhealthy snacks that they distribute to the consumer. I think that corporations have a social responsibility to provide healthy food products and not products that can cause ill health. Pepsi not only distributes nonalcoholic beverages but it also distributes snacks such as Lays chips, Doritos, Fritos to name a few. These snacks are considered unhealthy and I think that they should invest in innovative ways to come up with healthy snacks to the health conscience consumer. In recent years consumers have sued corporations for distributing food products that have lead to poor health. Therefore, with the threat of potential lawsuits Pepsi needs to address this issue and provide a product that consumers would consider to be healthy. CONCLUSION The fact remains that Coca Cola and Pepsi are each others main competitors. My recommendations for Coca Cola to invest in increasing their presence where they currently are not and continued investments in advertisements I believe will put them ahead of Pepsi. Also, Coca Cola  should branch out into distributing snacks but not just any snack but a healthy alternative snack for the increased awareness consumers have in today’s market. Pepsi consumers favored their sweet taste that was especially appealing to young consumers. My recommendation that they advertise with cartoon characters by targeting the youth I believe would lead to increased sales and increased profits for Pepsi. I also believe that Pepsi should invest in providing healthier drinks and snacks for their consumers. They already are in the market for the snacks if they began selling healthy versions of the existing snacks I believe that would also give them an edge over Coca Cola being that Coca Cola has yet to invest in the distribution of snacks. In conclusion, Coca Cola and Pepsi are successful companies that are well established in the market. This gives them an edge in the market that new competitors joining the market don’t have. That being said they still face the constant threat of new competitors and existing ones and must continue to invest in innovative ways that will keep them ahead of the competition. Also, companies have a social responsibility to provide healthy products for consumers especially in today’s world with consumers being more health conscience and demanding quality products from the food industry. Citation New York Stock Exchange:PEPSI

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


ISSUES IN PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE - Assignment Example The achievement of professional nurse autonomy is one of the major milestones that had influenced the development of nursing profession and practice. Holland (1999) defines professional nurse autonomy as the nurse perceived latitude or willingness to act as a responsible professional, independent from medical profession but interdependent to allied-health professions (p. 311). The traditional view of professional autonomy differs among gender. It had been evident during the time of Nightingale and the Crimean War where medical professionals rejected at first the offer of Florence Nightingale to help because of gender and professional prejudices. Male has been viewed as the dominant gender and doctors were superior to the nurses, limiting suggestions and decisions made by a nurse. Physicians viewed that collaborative care was only between physicians and clients and nurses are treated like servantsthan a powerful healer. But urgency of the circumstances had led the physician to accept the help of Florence Nightingale and 38 other nurses. Through Nightingale’s help, it was not only professional recognition of female nurses that has been achieved but the formal nursing education programs, reorganization, and advancement of professional nursing (Cherry & Jacob, 2011, 10). In addition, nurses were often oppressed and salaries were not sufficient during t he 1970s thus, nurses strive for economic stability and to the methods and ideals of science to gain professional recognition, equality, status, and rightful acceptance not only from the medical professions but also from the general public. Nursing has evolved from an indistinct, gender-biased, and physician-dependent profession to a notable field with independent nurse practitioners, both male and female in the health care arena. The struggles made by Nightingale addressed the need for nursing to be established as a profession, free from gender discrimination and separate

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An Analysis of Kristian Leven Photography in London Essay

An Analysis of Kristian Leven Photography in London - Essay Example This is unique from other wedding competitors that provide photography services with specific manufactured (posed) shots. Kristian Leven is able to stand out from competitors with his naturalistic approach to wedding photography that better captures special events and moments as they occur. 1.1 Methodology Research was gleaned for the report utilising a qualitative methodology, involving an open-ended interview structure with the sole proprietor, Kristian Leven. The interview occurred on April 5, 2013 and was scheduled for 45 minutes. Leven was proposed questions on such concepts as motivation, funding sources, problems that occur in daily business operations, the social environment, and the entrepreneurial marketing mix. Findings from the interviews were compared to theoretical secondary literature on entrepreneurship and small business management to determine correlations between theory and actual business practice; or to identify dissimilarities between theory and actual business management. 2.0 Funding sources for Kristian Leven Research indicates that credit cards are the most common funding source for entrepreneurs, due to tightened restrictions with banking institutions and other lenders associated with the credit crunch of 2007 and 2008 (Schmith 2008). Leven indicated that he achieved start-up funding by networking with family members in order to obtain an initial co-signed personal loan for ?5000. Leven further supplemented this funding for the start-up venture with a credit card by which he was able to procure equipment and initial inventories not covered by the personal loan that was utilised to set up a storefront. Leven had considered seeking out a private investor, however he was concerned about the potential of contractual agreements being established that guaranteed shared profitability. Leven trusted in his ability to grow the business revenues early that would provide him with the capital necessary to launch a successful photography business. Leven fit the profile of entrepreneurs that must rely on credit cards as a relevant funding source and networking with family members to achieve start-up capability. Leven had submitted a formal business plan to bankers when he was just 19 years old, but his plan was rejected as the lenders believed he was too young and inexperienced to successfully manage the business. Today, Leven is proud to announce an annual cash flow position of over ?200,000. 3.0 Networking Networking is, according to Leven, one of the most fundamental success factors for how Kristian Leven Photography has experienced growth and gained a positive brand reputation with satisfied customers. Leven does not consider his family members to be viable networks for operating or managing the business, or in improving its position. Leven had personal experience with a family-operated business during his childhood in which many disputes about operations and financing were present. This ties in closely with the theoretica l literature in which Johanisson and Monsted (1997) indicate there is no evidence available indicating that personal network capacity contributes to the success of the small business. Instead, Leven relies on professional networking, which are contacts that are developed through business operations. Leven indicated that nearly 80 percent of his business growth is attributed to word-of-mouth advertising that stems from satisfied clients with personal experien

Cataleya From The Film Columbiana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cataleya From The Film Columbiana - Essay Example Fifteen years later, as a ground up young woman, she receives extensive training on fighting and defence tactics. She eventually t6racks them down and kills all of them, including their leader Sandoval. Cataleya exemplifies several of Campbell’s characteristics of a hero. Campbell states that a hero is somebody who something has been taken from him or her. To Cataleya, her parents, who meant everything to her, were brutally murdered and this was the basis of her revenge mission. A hero, according to Campbell (1988) performs a courageous act, either physical or spiritual. Cataleya, choosing to avenge her parents’ murder showed her act of courage. Despite the various discouragements from a number of people, she was determined to accomplish her mission. The revenge mission was not an easy one. Cataleya remained strong regardless of the challenges she met. At one point, when pursuing the murderers, she felt like giving up but remained strong and committed. Lord Luis Sandova l was a much-respected man in the drug world, and nobody ever thought of going against him. The police themselves had been unable to arrest him. However, Cataleya single handed killed him and his team. A hero's journey usually consists of a departure, a fulfilment, and a return. Cataleya left her home and went to her uncle in Chicago. She fulfilled her mission of revenge and returned to her home to live in peace. A hero also has to achieve something, and to her, the murder of Lord Luis Sandoval was her achievement.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ancient world artifacts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient world artifacts - Research Paper Example It was during this civilization that important inventions such as the wheel, the art of writing and communication, and the development and construction of cities were made (Pollock, 1999, Pp.3). The civilization flourished between 4000 – 1200 B.C., although the development and settlement of civilizations began as far back as in the 7000 B.C.E. during which the ancient Mesopotamians first learned to farm and herd cattle for livelihood (Armstrong, 2002, Pp.1). The artifacts studied for the purpose of this paper, include: The Sickle sword and the Cylinder seal with modern impression of a winged horse, both of which belong to the middle Assyrian period. The Assyrians were known for their cuneiform writings / inscriptions on clay as well as other instruments. The cruciform form of writing was a way developed during this period to record history and is found in several historiographic documents during this period (Thomason, 2005, Pp. 51). Overview of the Objects:? i) The Sickle Swor d 13th Century B.C. Middle Assyrian Period Source: This curved sword belonged to the Middle Assyrian period, during the 1307 - 1275 B.C. in Mesopotamia. It is made of bronze and contains cuneiform inscriptions on it which mentions the name of the then ruler and King of Assyraia, thus indicating the period and the owner to whom it belongs. The sword has inscriptions on three different places i.e. on both the sides of the blade as well as on the edge / handle. It is called a ‘sickle’ sword because of its unusual curved shape (Bromiley, 1995, Pp. 1037). In ancient Mesopotamia almost all the swords used were sickle shaped and in fact, straight edged swords came into use much later after the end of the first millennium B.C.E. The unique quality about these sickle shaped swords was that they were considered to be very effective for slashing, rather than stabbing during warfare and the shape made it easier to harm the enemy (Bertman, 2003, Pp. 264; Bromiley, 1995). Another quality of these swords was that it was made from one single piece of metal, thus eliminating the need to attach a handle separately, which made it sturdier than the other types of swords (Gabriel, 1990, Pp. 44). The sickle sword first appeared during the Middle Bronze Age II in various places throughout Mesopotamia. It was believed to be an improvement from the battle axe which was used during the previous years. It was used during the reign of the Assyrian king Adadnirari I (Shalev, 2004, Pp. 55). ii.) Cylinder seal, 13th century B.C. Middle Assyrian period Source:, Somervill, 2009, Pp. 22 These seals or 'stamps' were used during the middle Assyrian period as a way of stamping / signing important documents. The cylindrical object i.e. the pipe shaped objects were used to identify individuals. These seals were carved from various materials such as wood, limestone, ivory, and other similar hard materials / stones. The carving on each of these seals / stamps was unique just like signatures. The seals were used for marking goods, letters and for signing official documents. These cylinders first appeared during the 3500 B.C.E and were used continuously throughout the Assyrian period (Somervill, 2009, Pp. 22). These seals were considered to be one of the finest artifacts as well as a significant achievement of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. The cylinder seals were first created by the Sumerians and were used in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

History of the Seventh Day Adventist Church Essay

History of the Seventh Day Adventist Church - Essay Example They stayed awake late into the night, waiting for the Christ and were totally disappointed when the time between sunset and midnight passed and nothing happened. Miller, later in life, realized that miracle is part of spirituality but miracle is not spirituality! This event, since then, is known as the Great Disappointment. Miller served in the American Army in various capacities and later discharged after the war, on June 18, 1815. He, perhaps, had no inkling that more stirring times in the spiritual field awaited him. Miller’s main concern related to question of death and an after-life. Some bitter incidents molded his thinking over this issue. Firstly, his experiences as a soldier; secondly the deaths of his father and sister! What happens to an individual after death?—this bothered him intensely. He concluded two possibilities—annihilation and accountability. â€Å"The inquiring, questioning, restless mind which had begun to reveal itself in early youth was as active as ever. By his own testimony he entered he Army with the hope of find in patriotism one bright spot in a seamy, sinister world. â€Å"But,† he said he, â€Å"two years in service was enough to convince me that I was in error in this thing also. When I left the service I had become completely disgusted wit h man’s public character.†(Nichol, p.9) Miller wobbled between two faiths. Initially, he wished to combine both the faiths, Baptist and Deism. Soon, his involvement in the Baptist church became more intense, and he read sermons during one of the local minister’s frequent absences. During one such religious exercise, on the subject of duties of parents, he happened to relate the topic to the character of a Savior. His emotions led him to the internal search of such a compassionate Being, who has the capacity to save humanity from suffering and penalty of sin. That Being is worth adoration and deserves complete surrender, Miller concluded. But Deism had the upper hand again.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discussion Question - Assignment Example However, given that one third of cancer cases can be traced to lifestyle, some cases can actually be prevented through adoption of healthy behavioural and dietary habits. To this end, the global health agencies have embarked on a sensetization campaign aimed at reducing cancer deaths by 8 million within a decade. Although numerous studies have been conducted to establish the real cause of cancer, none has given a definitive answer to this problem. Several factors both genetic and environmental are pointed out as likely causes. However, it is important to note that less than 9% of cancer cases are as a result of inheritance. Most cases are due to mutation of oncogenes caused by environmental elements such as cigarettes, alcohol, radiations and chemicals. In this regard, cancer is defined as a disease caused by uncontrolled growth and multiplication of body cells (Raymond, 2007). Through cell division and growth, the body is able to produce more cells needed for healthy existence. Howe ver, in some instances, the abnormal cell division and growth occurs leading to production of many cells some of which are not needed by the body. These extra cells gather to form either benign or malignant tumor. However, a benign tumor does not pose health risk because they do not move to other parts of the body. In the contrary malign tumors also known as cancerous cells multiply and damage neighboring tissues. In addition, they can separate from parent organ and spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph. With regard to cancer, diagnosis refers to the process of trying to establish whether the disease is actually cancer and its possible causes. It involves the removal of tissues from affected organs by a surgeon for examination under microscope by a pathologist. There are various types biopsy conducted on cancer suspects depending on the part of body being examined. When a needle is used to suck fluid from tumor cell, then the process is referred to as needle aspiration biopsy. Other types include excisional biopsy where the whole tissue is removed and incisional biopsy where part of the tissue is detached. After the diagnosis has been done, the process of examining its extent (staging) follow. This process is essential because it helps in determining the stage of cancer. There are four cancer stages often written in Roman numbers. Stage I imply that the tumor is small usually less than 2cm and still confined in the organ. Stage II cancer is bigger, usually 2-4 cm has not started spreading. Stage III cancer means the tumor is more than 4cm and has began spreading to the lymph nodes. Finally, stage IV means cancer has spread to other body organs Besides, staging help the physician to determine the type of tumor, check the spread, prescribe suitable treatment and predict the patient future outlook (Susan, Marsha and Margaret, 2009). Staging is preceded by clinical investigations such as surgery, blood test and medical scanning. Radiation i maging is the most common method used in staging. This can be done through Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computerized Tomography (CT) scans. Cancer like all other diseases is associated with various general and specific complications. Among the most prevalent complications is a neurological condition called brain metastases. It is estimated that 23% of cancer patients are affected by this condition. It is brought about by the spreading of tumors from other organs to the brain. Some of its side effects

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Situation Analysis Document Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Situation Analysis Document - Research Paper Example Budget is also operating in the U.S as the leader of truck rental providers. The company’s vision statement portrays company’s image as a leader in rental car industry providing value to its customers through efficiency, focusing on its people for continuous improvement and innovation and sustaining promising growth in the future. According to Avis Budget group these parameters are way to success and can be only met if Avis and Budget continue working together rather than being individual. The company’s mission statement is to continuously provide sustaining growth and customer satisfaction in the long run through leadership and support for worldwide recognized and top notch brands. They seek to provide quality services driven by each brand in category for sustainable competitive advantage (Avis Budget Group). Company’s distinct values include commitment, integrity and responsibility. The company is always committed to provide value to its corporate clients and customers via its service excellence, high quality unique and powerful brands, leadership and support. The company maintains its integrity in establishing professional relationships with the clients and customers, value them, and nurture them through trust and loyalty. Open system of communication and compatible teamwork of diverse people further enhances its integrity. The company is yet socially responsible and performs all measure to portray itself as a sensible citizen caring for environment. The company is dedicated to making timely decisions with 360 degrees framework, feeling responsible for the interest of stakeholders and other investors and continues to excel towards profitability and growth keeping that in mind. According to the annual report form 10-K of Avis Budget Group the performance indicators for measuring company’s financial position have been showing a very positive trend. Comparing the last two years

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Identifying Barriers to Diversity in Law Enforcement Essay Example for Free

Identifying Barriers to Diversity in Law Enforcement Essay Our country, America is a melting pot of many different races, ethnic groups, and cultures, which occurred because of immigration. That is why our communities are known as multicultural communities. Our communities may consist of African Americans, Whites, Latinos, Chinese, Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Indians. These multicultural communities experience prejudice actions from law enforcement. Prejudice means a judgment or opinion formed before facts are known, usually involving negative or unfavorable thoughts about groups of people (Shusta and Levine, 2010). Law enforcement tends to discriminate against individuals because of their race, culture, or ethnic background. Law enforcement is now trying to figure out methods that they can use to improve their relationship with multicultural communities. Shusta and Levine (2010) offered some methods that can improve law enforcement in multicultural communities: (1) †¢ Make positive contact with community group members from diverse backgrounds, don’t let them see you only when something negative has happened, and allow the public to see you as much as possible in a nonenforcement role, (2) Take responsibility for patiently educating citizens and the public about the role of the officer and about standard operating procedures in law enforcement and remember that citizens often do not understand â€Å"police culture,† (3) Don’t be afraid to be a change agent in your organization when it comes to improving cross-cultural and interracial relations within your department and between police and community, it may not be a popular thing to do, but it is the right thing to do, (4) Donâ₠¬â„¢t appear uncomfortable with or avoid discussing racial and ethnic issues with other officers and citizens, and (5) Make a conscious effort in your mind, en route to every situation, to treat all people objectively and fairly. In my community they are only Blacks and Puerto Ricans races, but they are a diverse cultures, such as the locals called Cruzan’s, Kittians, St. Lucians, Dominicans, Haitians, Antiguans, Nevisians, and many other Caribbean islands. In my community law enforcement is prejudice against the stereotypes of the individuals, such as members in gangs. For example if law enforcement is called to the community for a theft, they would suspect a gang member of committing the before they suspect a regular guy walking down  the street. If they take time out to socialize with these so called gang members they would see a different side of them. Also getting to know the different cultures would allow having better communication skills with the citizens, and maybe the citizens would feel safer in open up to them and help them in the community. In a scenario in which a method would work would be: A patrol unit is patrolling the community a see a group of young boys sitting under a tree cooli ng out, they decide to stop and have a talk to the young boys, about what they’re doing and how is their life, and officers even tell them about their days when they was the same age as them, the boys know see that these officers are no different than them, and their just doing their duty. That shows that the boys and law enforcement is communicating and gaining trust within each other.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Manufacturing Case Study Essay Example for Free

Manufacturing Case Study Essay Introduction Before a manufacturing process can be selected to manufacture a component many things need to be considered. The design of the product, the functionality, the service conditions and the properties of the material all play a big part when considering the manufacturing process. This study looks at Polypropylene Chairs used mainly for education purposes. It provides information that explains the purpose of a chair; the requirements of this particular product and the manufacturing process that produces the final component. To understand why this type of chair is made from polypropylene the reader first needs to understand the basis of any chair. A chair is a raised surface for a single person to be seated. The majority of chairs are produced with the standard four legs but it’s the design of the chair and its intended use that takes most consideration. The use of the chair will determine the design and the material used. For example; is the chair to be used at a desk or for sitting at a dining table to eat? The users’ weight needs to be evenly distributed over the chair to provide comfort whilst seated. If the chair is to be used for long periods of seating then it is beneficial for the chair to be slightly reclined, which will support the persons back more and remove the weight from other parts of the body. If a chair is too high then shorter people will have their feet dangling, causing pressure on the knees; whereas lower seats cause discomfort to the buttocks. Section One Looking at the requirements of this type of chair we can see it is not the most comfortable chair on the market but then these chairs are not used for long periods of sitting. They are mainly used within canteens, hospitals, libraries and schools for short sitting periods; meaning that they are mass produced. Due to the amount of chairs that are manufactured there is a requirement to keep the production cost low. They are tough chairs that can come in a variety of colours, can be used in or outside and have the advantage of being able to stack away; saving space. The chair is required to hold a variety of people with a range of body weight and height so they are required to be stable, strong durable and withstand movement whilst being lightweight. This style of plastic chair is made of a thermoplastic polymer called Polypropylene (PP). It is a thermoplastic that has a two dimensional structure. The plastic can be softened by heat and recycled. The material is produced by the polymerisation of polymer molecules into very long chains. The material is a â€Å"semi-crystalline solid with good physical, mechanical and thermal properties†. The properties of PP in its liquid state are defined by the length and breadth of the polymer chains that form during the process. When PP is in its solid state the properties are based on how much crystalline and amorphous region forms from those chains. [Karian, Ph.D., Harutun G, Handbook of Polypropylene and Polypropylene Composites, 1999, New York, NY, USA, Pg 15] FIG 1. Example of the chain of Isotactic polypropylene PP is semi-crystalline; meaning that it contains small crystals and material that is amorphous and Isotactic. The chains are closely packed together and the amount of van der Walls bonding is at a maximum, making the material strong as a solid object. The polymer chains determine the weight of the material and the crystals within the chains determine how thick the material can be and in turn this will impact on how much heating is required to mould the material. â€Å"The crystallisability of the chains is one factor that determines how thick the crystallites will be and the thickness of the crystallites determines how much heat energy is required to melt them†. [Karian, Ph.D., Harutun G, Handbook of Polypropylene and Polypropylene Composites, 1999, New York, NY, USA, Pg 17] PP is stiff, with a low density. It has good resistance to impact and fatigue, excellent chemical resistance, a high heat resistance and an excellent moisture barrier. Having good structural characteristic s makes PP a useful material for rigid objects. PP has a good balance between its physical and chemical properties. Due to the high mould shrinkage of PP it is difficult to achieve close tolerances but because the material is tough, resilient and has a high resistance to stress cracking it reduces the need for close tolerances. Having a very low density of 0.90g/cm^3; a low cost per volume; a wide flexibility when it comes to design and it also being recyclable makes PP an attractive construction material. PP has the advantage of being able to form high volume, complex shapes at a relatively low cost. When using CES software and comparing the price against the fracture toughness it provides the user with all known materials. Using the limit function and applying a Young’s modulus of 2GPa and a minimum tensile strength of 40MPa Fig 2 Materials based on Price against Tensile Strength The chairs are made of PP because the material is inexpensive, easy to clean, lightweight and durable. The material can be tough and flexible with a high tensile and compressive strength. The main reason that this material works well when manufacturing these chairs is down to the precise control of the impact strength, they do react when exposed to heat meaning that they hold their shape and provide good properties within the human environment, especially when in an outside environment. Section 2 Polypropylene is most commonly manufactured using extrusion, or injection moulding. Extrusion allows extremely large batches of uniform cross sectional shape items to be produced. Hot extrusion is when the polymer is heated first to make it more malleable, and then ‘pushed’ through a die. Pieces made using extrusion have an extremely high quality of surface finish, meaning they do not require finishing after manufacture. [pic] FIG 3. Extrusion Process Injection moulding is achieved by melting the polymer in a barrel, and then forcing or injecting it into a mould. Some injection moulding machines are screw fed. As the piece cools, it shrinks slightly in the mould. This can cause product defects especially if the mould is poorly designed. It allows for the production of very accurately shaped pieces. When the piece is removed from the mould, it will have a contour line called a ‘parting line’ where the mould closes on it, and often will be marked by the ejector pin with a small circle. If the manufacturer does not want these marks on their product, then it will require post-manufacture finishing, but otherwise the finish is of a relatively high standard. FIG 4. Injection Moulding Process Some chairs could be manufactured using extrusion, if they were a flat ‘L’ shape for example. However most chairs are shaped for ergonomic and structural reasons, and would require a more accurate manufacturing process. This would be injection moulding, as thick struts can be included in the design to aid the strength of the chair, and a comfortable dip can be shaped into the back of the seat to make it more appealing to the user. As chairs of this nature are designed for a very wide range of users, and with durability in mind, the material is required to be fairly thick to accommodate this need. This would slow the manufacturing process with injection moulding as it would take each piece longer to cool, and therefore a longer wait is required before the piece can be removed from the mould. The thickness of the piece would have little effect on an extruded product, as the die can be made whatever size is desired. The weight of the chair would have little bearing on manufacture in either of these methods, except for the amount of material needed. For a batch of 1000, extrusion would be an excellent process, as enough material for the whole batch can be melted and pushed through the die, and the pieces cut from the section after extrusion. Large batches can be produced very quickly in this way. Injection moulding would take longer, as each piece must be made individually, unless the mould is designed with several chairs in, each connected by a ‘strut’ of waste product. This increases the amount of waste material, and the initial set up costs due to the mould design, and a larger machine being required. Section 3 There are many factors to consider when forming a component from composite. Failure to consider these factors can drastically change the material properties and this in turn could lead to an unsatisfactory component. A polymer matrix for the composite is an excellent base; their material properties already provide many favorable attributes such as high corrosion resistance and low density. The introduction of a secondary reinforcing agent will provide a synergetic effect to the mechanical properties of the material allowing a better component. One of the factors that are critically important in the production of a composite is the format of the secondary phase; it is a key factor to the materials properties of the component. There are three mostly used forms for the reinforcing of secondary phases; these are long/short fibers, or particles. Long fibers, also known as continuous fibers, are fibers that are layered in strips or woven into a pattern along an axis. The fibers generally consist of a much stronger material than the polymer matrix; as such the fibers take a much greater load compared to the polymer matrix. This allows for a material with much better load bearing properties. The increased ability to take load is based upon the direction of the fibers. When bearing load, the best mechanical properties are obtained in the direction of the fibers. There are many different orientations used by fibers, orienting the fibers in one specific direction is often used when the direction of the force is constant. Planar reinforcement is used when the direction of force is only along one plane of action. Short fibers, also known as continuous fibers, are fibers that have been cut into relatively short strands. The shorter nature of these fibers means that they can be orientated in lots of patterns and directions. As well as being able to be orientated in one specific direction and along one plane like long fibers, they can also be orientated randomly. This random orientation allows for a uniform distribution of the reinforcing ability of the fibers; therfore increasing the load bearing ability in all directions instead of just one, or a single plane. If particles are introduced into a polymer matrix, their effects vary greatly compared to their size. Very small particles act as a barrier to dislocation movements; this hardens the matrix material due to the fact that dislocations cannot propagate as easily through the structure. Smaller particles cannot take loads due to their size, so the load bearing ability of the composite is based upon the matrix material. If larger particles are introduced they can take some of the load, this allows the composite of the two to take a larger load. Due to the nature of particles the matrix is naturally able to take isotropic loads. [Mikell, P. Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing Fourth Edition, 2011, New Jersey, NJ, USA, Pg 181-183] Fig 5. A Chart Showing Long/Short fibers as well as Particles. Orientation of reinforcement is another major factor in the production of a composite component. Not taking into account the direction of reinforcement can have unfavorable material properties. Materials are either isotropic or anisotropic in one or more directions. Isotropic orientation is achieved when the fibers are randomly oriented, or particles are introduced into the matrix composite. The effects of this type of orientation are that the load can be taken uniformly in all directions. This is advantageous because it allows for a material that is not constrained by loads in one direction. The downside is that the material properties can never be as strong as if they where aligned to one direction. Anisotropic orientation is when fibers are aligned to a specific direction or plane. When the load is applied in this direction is extremely strong, this means that an anisotropic composite material has extremely beneficial properties in the direction of the fibers. The further the load gets from the direction of the fibers the less beneficial the material properties are until the load is perpendicular to the fiber direction. When the fiber direction is perpendicular to the fibers the maximum strength is the strength of the primary matrix. If the concentration of fibers is high enough the strength in the perpendicular direction can be significantly less than the primary polymer. [Mikell, P. Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing Fourth Edition, 2011, New Jersey, NJ, USA, Pg 181-183] Fig 6. A Chart showing Anisotropic and Isotropic Orientations The chair, due to its function, has various limits that need to be applied when taking into account the construction of the composite. The forces inherent in the use of a chair are not in one direction, or even one plane of action. This means that an isotropic composite is best suited for the chair, as a planar or singular direction of fibers wouldnt be beneficial to the mechanical properties of the component. Due to the composite that is being used it must have an isotropic orientation so only discontinuous fibers or particles can be used; continuous fibers cannot be used feasibly in an isotropic orientation. A short fiber based second phase would increase the toughness of the component as well as increasing the stiffness and strength in all directions. These properties seem more favorable than those of particulates which increase fatigue strength. Short fibers in a random orientation would be beneficial for a seat; this would allow it to take impacts during its service as well as remaining in shape and resisting bending. [Mikell, P. Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing Fourth Edition, 2011, New Jersey, NJ, USA, Pg 181-183] The length of the short fibers would be above the critical length value; this is based on the diameter of the fiber, the ultimate tensile strength of the fiber and the shear strength of the matrix-fiber interface. The diameter of the fibers should be as small as possible to allow for a higher tensile strength. [Mikell, P. Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing Fourth Edition, 2011, New Jersey, NJ, USA, Pg 181 Figure 8.15] The Volume fraction of a composite is the product of: (Volume of Fibers/Volume of Composite). It is a way of expressing the amount of fiber in a composite, it is also very useful in refining the properties of your composite. The volume fraction for our composite should be greater than the critical volume fraction. A volume fraction lower than this means that the matrix would break before the fibers could support the load applied. This can be given by: Vcritical = (ÏÆ'm* ÏÆ'm / ÏÆ'f* ÏÆ'm) ÏÆ'm* = Matrix Ultimate Tensile Strength ÏÆ'm = Matrix Yield Strength ÏÆ'f* = Fiber Ultimate Tensile Strength Once a value for Vcritical is determined, this can be used as a basis for determining the volume fraction you want. Any volume fraction must be above Vcritical so that the matrix is actually strengthened by the addition of the fibers. You can continue adding a higher concentration of fibers until you begin to imbrittle the polymer matrix composite due to the excess fiber content. Without knowing the exact fiber and matrix choices it would be hard to predict the volume fraction this would occur at, as a guideline the value would be any value greater than 0.7. Therefore the volume fraction should lie above Vcritical. To ascertain the best value for the volume fraction you would have to do testing on the composite at various volume fraction values and use the results to determine which would be the best for the chair component. Using a randomly oriented short fiber composite would enhance the material properties. The random orientation would make it able to handle forces from all directions and the short fibers would increase various mechanical properties such as toughness, tensile strength and fatigue strength. This material composite would produce a very light and strong structure which should be able to withstand alot more than the polymer alone. The synergetic effect of this composite allows it to attain a much higher specific strength than the polymeric design. It also attains a much higher stiffness than the original design; allowing it to maintain its shape more consistently during its service time, and it also means it is less likely to fail due to a sudden shock. The increased fatigue strength would mean that the material can maintain its service for a longer period of time due to its ability to withstand crack propagation and its resistance to mechanical defects building up over time. SECTION 4 In section 2, it was decided that the best process chosen for producing the chairs was extrusion molding over injection molding as it was a faster process and allowed for less waste material. This process is not suitable for the addition of short fibers too the polypropylene, instead reinforced reaction injection molding would make a better choice. Reaction injection molding is a low pressure process used to cure thermosets that require a chemical reaction rather than heat. This process requires two reactive ingredients which are mixed and injected into the mold cavity where the curing and solidification processes occur rapidly. This process can be used for large parts as well as complex shapes. When reinforcing fibers are used in the mixture the process is called reinforced injection molding. [pic] FIG 7. IMAGE OF REINFORCED REACTION INJECTION MOLDING PROCESS The capital start up cost for this process is high but due to the low pressures that are used in the process it balances out cost. The initial batch size chosen for the production of the chairs was 1000 units. This figure works with reinforced reaction injection molding as it allows for economic bath sizes between 100 and 10000 units, so even if batch sized was reduced by a tenth of its original size or increased by 10 times the size this process can still be economical to the manufacturer. REFERENCES [27 Mar 2012] [27 Mar 2012] Stephen Pheasant, 2nd Ed; Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work; Taylor Francis Ltd [2011] [20 Feb 2012] FIG 7. ( equation 5, page 1657 FIG 1 [Polypropylene Molecule, Chempolymerproject, [Online] Available: [https://Polypropylene-B-CABA] [28 Mar 2012]] FIG 3 [Extrusion of a Round Blank through a Die [Online] Available: (2011)] FIG 4 [Injection Moulding Machine [Online] Available: (2011)]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Different Aspects Of The Speech Presentation English Language Essay

Different Aspects Of The Speech Presentation English Language Essay Speech analysis is an evaluation of different aspects of the speech presentation. It is a critical skill to study a speech and how to deliver an effective speech. It is one of the twenty-five essential for a public speaker. It includes whether you attend the speech presentation, or view a video or read the speech text. Speech analysis is very important because the ability to analyze a speech will accelerate the growth of any speaker. It also will maximise the impact of the next speech presentation of a speaker. A common thing that happens after a speech is that you will start evaluating yourself right from the moment you leave the stage. Did everything go as planned? What did the audience think? Frequently, you will get so caught up in presenting your speech that you lose track of how the audience is reacting and responding. Thats why getting feedback after the speech is important, so you know what you did well and what you did poor. Thus, you can identify things that could make your speech even better. Body Incorrect method of the speech On the speech organization, first thing the speaker started with his introduction which is not organized at all, because he suddenly said, My speech isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. without satisfying the audience and without revealing the topic. Moreover, he didnt explain what he is going to talk about in his speech. Thus, his introduction is poor while he didnt preview his general and its points. For the body organization, he didnt really show what is the major point of his speech. He used to explain some photos and using some examples with it. There is no clear idea about the way he organized his speech, he kept talking about some things which are not belong to the speech. Like changing from a topic to another without knowing where the beginning of it, he just said whatever came on his mind. The way he organized his speech is very direct and without any introductions of his ideas that he is going to talk about. In the end of the speech, he gave his personal opinion about the topic and how to go beyond your occupation, there is no specific purpose in his speech. There is no clear summary for his topic and he was like giving his personal idea only. On the language, in the first place, the speaker having trouble in saying what he wants to say. This might be the weakness of the speech muscles. For example, like the muscles of the face, tongue, and lips. The speaker also may have different speech characteristics. One of them is the speaker difficult to put sounds and syllables together in the correct order to form words. Longer words are usually harder to say than shorter words. Besides, he also made mistakes when speaking. The speaker may try saying a word several times before he said it correctly. Additionally, the speaker may not be able to communicate effectively with speech, and may need the help of additional communication methods. On the speech delivery, the speaker supposes speaking extemporaneously by uses only a set of brief notes or a speaking outline to jog the memory. However, besides using a set of brief notes, the speaker has relied on the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop to read to his audience for his speech presentation. On the other hand, on the speakers voice, although the speakers voice volume is loud enough for a small size of audience in a classroom, he gradually speak softly and not loudly when the time he read the script from the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop, the audience cannot hear clearly. The speaker also fall into repetitions pitch patterns that are just as hypnotic as a monotone. Although overall the speaker is not speaking too fast, he did mistakes again when the time he read the script from the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop. He is speaking so quickly that the audience lose track of his ideas. In addition, the speaker does too many pauses especially when every time he is forgot the script. Furthermore, when he does pause, he also pauses at the middle of thought units. This may distract audience from his ideas. Most important, one of the major mistakes that he made is he fill the silence with vocalized pauses such as uh, er, and um. This annoying the audience and they create negative perceptions about the speakers intelligence. Moreover, the speaker spoke extemporaneously with poor vocal variety. He did not develop a lively and expressive voice throughout the speech. On the speakers body, his physical actions affect much the outcome of his speech. Based on the personal appearance, the speaker wore a simple casual clothes and a hat during his speech. Its not a suitable attire clothes while you give a formal speech to audience. He also wear a cap during a speech, it shows disrespect to the audience. Besides, the speaker did a big mistake in his movement. He shakes his body here and there while talking. Sometimes, his body faces back or side to the audience. Next, is the gestures mistake that he had made. He moved too much of his hand throughout the speech. Sometimes he put his two hands inside his pocket; sometimes he let them hang at the sides; even sometimes he wring his finger and gently pat the table to retrieval his memory. These gestures that the speaker makes draw attention to themselves and distract from his message. The last mistake which he had made is his eye contact. He has almost no eye contact throughout the speech. He kept looking up and down from the laptop then back to audience again. It is the biggest mistake and the obvious part that he had made in this overall speech. Even sometimes, he closes his eyes to recall his memory. Suggestion of the correct method to improve the speech On the speech organization, the right organization that the speaker has to do is to gather his ideas and support the ideas with the right materials to send the clear idea of his speech, and as we said before, the writer didnt announce his specific purpose he announced only the general idea of his speech. He has to work on his speech by choosing the right methods of organizing the ideas and the points to be clear to the audience. Moreover, he has to support the ideas with statistics, examples or testimony, but he only used one method with is the examples but it was not on its right place, because he kept on giving examples about his opinion. The speaker should have organized his speech under the topical order because his general idea is about the host club so it is about a topical speech. On the language, basically there are some language techniques that the speaker can use for an effective speech. First, adjectives. Adjectives are the simple persuasive language. Second, repetition. It can be used for emphasis. By the way, it ensures the audiences are listening because repetition catches the ear. Third, asking question. Of course, the list of the speech is not complete without the question. This is an effective speech because it requires an audience response. It is also important for the speaker to remember that the language used in a presentation. Use only professional language to the audience. The speaker has to make sure that correct grammar and word choices are used through the presentation. On the speech delivery, because of the speaker supposes speaking extemporaneously, he should well-prepare and rehearse for several times for the speech which is just presented from a brief set of notes and no other materials. On the other hand, on the speakers voice, the speaker need to maintain his loudness throughout his speech and need to talk louder when the audience look puzzled, are leaning forward in their seats, or are otherwise straining to hear. The speaker also has to work on varying pitch patterns either upward or downward to fit the meaning of his words of the speech. Again the speaker has to maintain the rate he speaks throughout his speech, not too fast especially a slower tempo is needed when he is explaining complex information that is not familiar to the audience. In addition, when the speaker does pauses, he should make sure his pause at the end of thought units. Most important, to ensure the speaker do not filled with vocalizations such as uh, er, and um when every time he is forgot the script, he has to practice the speech several times using only the speaking outline as practice makes perfect. Moreover, when giving the speech, the speaker should modulate his voice to communicate his ideas and feelings. On the speakers body, posture, facial expression, gestures, and eye contact will affect the way audience respond to him. Based on the personal appearance, he should wear an at least formal suit and formal trousers. He has to take off his cap while giving the speech as it shows disrespect to the audience. Besides, on the movement, what he has to do is to stand straight and sometimes just move a little is possible. He body should also just face front to the audience. Next, on the gestures, he should only move his hand when he emphasizes any keywords. Eventually, on the eye contact, he should direct visual contact with the eyes of audience to help gauge his truthfulness, intelligence, attitudes, and feelings. He should also prepare a speaking outline before his speech and practice or memorize some parts of the speech to avoid mistakes happened by looking on the laptop by the audience. Conclusion In summary, weve covered three ways to give feedback from watching a video recording of a speakers speech. For the first viewing, we recommended listening to audio only for the speech organization and writing down word for word what the speaker actually said. Next, for the second viewing, we recommended listening closely to language that has been speaking by the speaker. Finally, for the third viewing, we recommended looking for speech delivery. Speech delivery includes methods of delivery, the speakers voice, and the speakers body. Particularly, we recommended looking deeply for any distractive or repetitive mannerisms to polish and refine the speakers speech delivery. When you implement these tips, you will not only look more professional, but you will feel more confident in your speech presentation as you make a greater your impact on your audience.

Thomas Edison :: essays research papers

Edison, Thomas Alva, American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, and motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. He attended school for only three months, in Port Huron, Michigan. When he was 12 years old he began selling newspapers on the Grand Trunk Railway, devoting his spare time mainly to experimentation with printing presses and with electrical and mechanical apparatus. The train left Port Huron about 7:00 in the morning and returned at 9:00 or 9:30 at night. The trip included a six-hour layover in Detroit, during which time he claims to have read "the entire public library." He was an omnivorous reader and loved to experiment with chemicals and machinery. He constantly wanted to investigate how things worked and liked to see if he could make things better. On the train he was allowed a table in an empty baggage car on which to work. He even brought a broken printing press, repaired it and taught himself to print. He may have produced the first newspaper printed on a moving train. Edison began noticing a loss of hearing around this time, which increased throughout his life. In 1862 he published a weekly, known as the Grand Trunk Herald, printing it in a freight car that also served as his laboratory. For saving the life of a station official's child, he was rewarded by being taught telegraphy. While working as a telegraph operator, he made his first important invention, a telegraphic repeating instrument that enabled messages to be transmitted automatically over a second line without the presence of an operator. Edison next secured employment in Boston and devoted all his spare time there to research. He invented a vote recorder that, although possessing many merits, was not sufficiently practical to warrant its adoption. He also devised and partly completed a stock-quotation printer. Later, while employed by the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company of New York City he greatly improved their apparatus and service. By the sale of telegraphic appliances, Edison earned $40,000, and with this money he established his own laboratory in 1876. Afterward he devised an automatic telegraph system that made possible a greater speed and range of transmission. Edison's crowning achievement in telegraphy was his invention of machines that made possible simultaneous transmission of several messages on one line and thus greatly increased the usefulness of existing telegraph lines.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mandy Camp :: Technology Email Computers Internet Essays

Mandy Camp â€Å"It saves time and it wastes it, makes life simpler and more complicated, brings us together and pushes us apart. Love it and hate it, it’s everywhere, all the time and here to stay† (Leonard 80). Is e-mailing an effective way to communicate information? The rises in the use of e-mail has both positive as well as negative aspects amongst its users. E-mail was developed in the 1960’s for scientific use. Its main purpose was to transfer information about nuclear war safely and effectively. Unlike letters sent through the mail, e-mails were almost guaranteed a safe arrival to its recipient. Soon after, e-mail became a type of technology that many people used mainly in academic institutions. Nowadays, e-mail is used among all types of people, not just scientists and academics. It is now a way of exchanging information that is used among businessmen, college students and professors, people who live fare away; almost everyone uses e-mail. Exchanging e-mail addresses rather than phone numbers is very common between two people (Michelle 2). When e-mail was first discovered, it was mainly seen as a positive aspect of transferring information, but later many negative aspects were brought up by users. About 225 million people in the world use e-mail, by either sending or receiving it (Newsweek International 80). One Positive aspect of e-mail is that it is timely. E-mail, unlike letters that are picked up by a postman, can be sent any time of the day or night. It can be sent from any computer as long as one knows the address of the recipient. E-mail is fast and effective when it comes to sending mail. When the e-mail is sent, the recipient receives the e-mail within a number of minutes. This is a huge aspect for many people because they live on a â€Å"time limit†. If it is necessary to inform someone of something important, but it is late at night, in stead of calling, one can quickly send an e-mail. Pictures, text, files or graphics can be transferred by e-mail, and the great thing is that it can be free. Another positive aspect of e-mail is that it can be free.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Postmodern Take on a Hollywood Film Classic Essay -- Movies Papers

A Postmodern Take on a Hollywood Film Classic The jacket blurb on Robert Coover’s creative compilation A Night at the Movies reads: â€Å"From Hollywood B-movies to Hollywood classics, A Night at the Movies invents what ‘might have happened’ in these Saturday afternoon matinees. Mad scientists, vampires, cowboys, dance-men, Chaplin, and Bogart, all flit across Robert Coover’s riotously funny screen, doing things and uttering lines that are as shocking to them as they are funny to the reader. As Coover’s Program announces, you will get Coming Attractions, The Weekly Serial, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, and more, but turned upside-down and inside-out.† It is perhaps more appropriate to call Coover’s work a creative compilation as opposed to a novel or even a collection of short stories. A single theme of â€Å"what might have happened† runs throughout each of the inclusions, each inclusion being devoted to a particular Hollywood movie. Thus, the text as a whole is united b y means of this common thread, but the thread is thin and stretched tightly, resulting in each inclusion having the ability to stand alone as a complete and independent work, related to the others, yet individual. The complete collection may be examined as a work, or conversely, each individual â€Å"story† may be considered a finished work to be studied. Each chapter invents its own reality, a reality of the screen, of the movies, that is brought into closer contact by means of a literary text. The book as a whole, then, glorifies in the postmodern tradition multiple interpretations of reality. Movies themselves present alternative realities or interpretations of perceived realities, most often differing from our own individual constructions. Thus, by offering ... ...nto playful pornography, and in doing so has once again acted in the postmodern tradition. Transforming this film classic is in a way blasphemy. The film has been held in the highest esteem by movie critics for decades, and here Coover has deconstructed and destroyed it in a mere thirty-one pages. The manner in which he has done it is indeed witty, however, and certainly eclectic and new. Works Cited Barth, John. â€Å"The Literature of Replenishment,† from Atlantic Monthly 254: 1. January 1980. Coover, Robert. â€Å"You Must Remember This,† in A Night at the Movies. Normal: Dalkey Archive Press, 1997. 156-187 Epstein, Julius J., Philip G. Epstein, and Howard Koch. Casablanca. Original Screenplay. Warner Brothers Studio, 1942. Hoover, Jeff. â€Å"Towards a Description of Modernism and Postmodernism in Literature.† Cedar Rapids: Coe College, Sept. 21, 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Vacant Chapter 15 Together

I take a deep breath, steadying myself for Emily's backlash at my revelation. â€Å"One.† It's the truth. There's only been one, but that one isn't simple. I am not looking at her as I say this, so I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, hoping she doesn't hate me for what I'm about to tell her next. â€Å"There was this girl, in high school, she was known to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I trail off, hoping Emily gets the idea, but she just sits and stares at me. She's going to make me spell it out. â€Å"She was known as the go-to girl for sex. I was sixteen, angry and very curious.† She's still watching me but begins to fidget. â€Å"She would do pretty much whatever, and I took advantage of that. It was emotionless and a means to an end. She let me take my frustrations out on her, Emily. No matter how angry, depressed, or lonely I was, she let me fill the void with her – in her.† Her face scrunches, and I can see she's getting the idea. â€Å"It wasn't about love, or even lust, really. It was about me taking. There was no giving.† I want to drive my point home with revealing the true debauchery in which I'd participated for two years, but I don't want Emily thinking I want her to do the depraved and experimental acts I'd once divulged in. That was a different tim e and a different me, but there was still an insecurity, despite my experience, I couldn't shake. â€Å"It was all about me, okay? I wasn't there to make her come.† â€Å"So, were you like†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I can see her trying to put all the pieces together. â€Å"You said you were angry. Were you angry†¦with her?† I pause because I don't want to lie, but I don't want to tell the truth either. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Did you hurt her?† I take a moment so I can say this right. Hurt can mean many things, but I think Emily means physically, so that's the hurt I respond to. â€Å"No. I never hurt her. It really was just sex, nothing else. I never hit her or forced her. She was always willing.† She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as she continues to play with the placemat. â€Å"Did you like it?† It's the question I've been waiting for. Emily wants to know if I want it to be like that with her. â€Å"When a boy has urges, there's little that will stop him from getting to the end. It's like how you fold clothes. How the shirt has to hang just right on the hanger, or the pants creased perfectly. You can't stop until everything is just right and you're satisfied.† I can't believe I'm comparing sex to laundry. â€Å"But as a man, it's not about how the clothes are folded or hung. It's about the clothes being clean and smelling good. It's about the process, not the end result.† Jesus Christ, this sounds stupid. â€Å"With you, Emily, I want to feel everything. I want it to be about you and me, us. It's not about the physical result at the end.† â€Å"Okay.† â€Å"Okay?† â€Å"Yeah, okay. I trust you, Ethan.† â€Å"No, to the left a little bit?† Emily can't seem to find a comfortable position. â€Å"Better?† â€Å"Uh, just give me a sec – † She winces again and I know this is painful. She tries to hide it, but I know. Yep, complete disaster. I never should've agreed to this. It's uncomfortable for Emily, and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it better. â€Å"Do you want to try on top?† I'm grasping at straws. I want this to be a good experience for her. â€Å"Are you okay?† I know she fought back tears when I finally did it. She told me to just do it and get it over with. Not my proudest moment. It's not what any guy wants to hear: â€Å"Just get it over with.† â€Å"Yeah.† Her confirmation is so small. â€Å"Emily, I'm so sorry. I – † She interrupts me with her hand over my mouth. â€Å"Please stop, Ethan. It won't always be like this. My mom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  her pause indicates that bringing up her mother is still hard for her. â€Å"My mom told me about sex. She said it would hurt the first few times, but she also told me that if I was with the right person it would be okay. I'm with the right man. You are right for me, Ethan. No one, and I do mean no one, has ever taken better care of me than you have, and, I know that you wanted this to be perfect, and it was. Please don't take that from me.† Emily pauses to kiss me before she finishes. â€Å"My first time could have gone so many ways, but it didn't. It was with someone that loves me, and who I love.† I can't help the sheepish smile that spreads across my lips. I decide Emily is so wise and mature and right. It was perfect – because it was us. â€Å"I really like the third one we looked at.† â€Å"I do, too, but the second one had a gym, remember?† Emily and I sit at the dinner table looking over brochures. We spent the day looking for an apartment in a better neighborhood with more amenities and a much higher monthly payment. I'm a little concerned about finances, but Emily assures me we will be all right. She's getting her schooling paid for on a Pell Grant and working 25-30 hours a week, which is a big contribution. And me†¦well, I'm the new Assistant Manager for Ball's Grocer. That may not be a big deal for most people, but to me it's everything. I've never had a need to be in charge of anyone or anything. I just wanted to take care of myself, lay low and live one day at a time. However, Margie just wouldn't let it go. She promoted me to cashier and kept on me. She was always in my ear talking about providing for my family. At first, I was defensive because I didn't have a family, but the more Margie talked, the more I realized she was right. Emily was my family, and maybe someday we could add to that. When the opportunity came up last week for an assistant manager position, Margie was there telling me to get my ass in gear and apply. She coached me through the interview process and helped me write a resume. I insisted that a cashier didn't need a resume, but she wouldn't let it go, and I'm glad she didn't. â€Å"So if we get the one with the gym, are you going to become one of those gym rats? Always workin' out and flexing their muscles for the chicas?† While Emily wasn't one to get upset about me doing stuff without her, she still had a bit of a jealous streak. She says that girls used to leave me alone because I gave off some vibe, but now that we were together, Emily insists that other women thought they now had a chance. If they only knew. My head hadn't turned toward another woman since the day I met Emily and that wouldn't change in the foreseeable future. â€Å"Well, I was just thinking – † Emily looked down, unsure of what she was about to say. I hated it when she did that. I reached for her hand, cupping it in mine to encourage her to go on. â€Å"I know that the gym on site is a big plus, but it's only a one-bedroom. The other one is a two-bedroom, and it's close to that elementary school.† She turned red, blushing furiously. â€Å"Yeah, but what would we need a second bedroom for?† I had to admit, while not necessary, it would be good for Emily to have her own area for studying. â€Å"Well, it would be good as an office†¦and maybe someday, a bedroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I guess we could use a guest room, but we never have guests, Emily, so I'm not sure what the benefit would really be.† Yeah, I know, I'm an idiot. â€Å"That's not what I meant – † but she didn't need to finish. As I flipped through the brochure, I saw a picture of a couple with a toddler. The tagline was promoting the family friendly atmosphere. â€Å"Yeah, I think you're right. The two-bedroom is our best bet.†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Deviant Behavior Essay

Part A Behavior that is outside of the normally accepted parameters of society is considered deviant behavior. Deviant behavior can range from running a traffic signal to capital murder. The widely accepted norm of society declares these things to be unacceptable. What may be the normal accepted behavior in one society may be different for another. Deviant behavior is dictated by culture and evolution. What was once considered the norm yesterday may not be the norm today. Slavery in the United States was once considered the widely acceptable norm during that period. Today, slavery in the United States is not considered the acceptable norm. Although slavery is not practiced in the United States, it is still a widely acceptable practice in other countries. Men, women and children in countries such as Brazil, Western Europe and West Africa are forced to work under slave like conditions. Women are forced into prostitution, children working in factories and men forced to work for little or no pa y at all. A contributing factor to the perspective on society’s definition of deviant behavior can be link too what society deems as acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The domination and degrading of any human being is morally unacceptable. The constitution of the United States and most other countries has banned slavery. Slavery is an inhuman treatment of other human beings and the Constitution of the United States declares all men are created equal and have the same fundamental rights to live free in the pursuit of happiness. The functionalist perspective to deviant behavior asserts that deviant behavior is necessary for a balanced society. It set the parameters for what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. The major distinction between functionalist and all other approaches believes ordinary crime is not a threat to the social order. In fact, society needs criminal  behavior (and legal responses to it) to function properly. The interactionist perspective offers two approac hes to deviant and criminal behavior-cultural transmission and routine activities theory. Interaction through primary groups of association influences behavior whether proper or improper. Individuals who are exposed to continual acts of deviant behavior are more likely find this behavior expectable. Edwin Sutherland a sociologist used the term differential association to describe exposure to criminal attitudes that lead to the violation of rules which define deviant behavior. Research has shown the influence towards negative exposure to deviant groups or acts has an impact on social behavior. The conflict perspective is based upon the view that the fundamental causes of crime are the social and economic forces operating within society. The criminal justice system and criminal law are thought to be operating on behalf of rich and powerful social elites, with resulting policies aimed at controlling the poor. The criminal justice establishment aims at imposing standards of morality and good behavior created by the powerful on the whole of society. Focus is on separating the rich and powerful from poor and weak who would steal from others and protecting themselves from physical attacks. In the process the legal rights of poor folks might be ignored. The middle class are also co-opted; they side with the elites rather the poor, thinking they might themselves rise to the top by supporting the status quo. Thus, street crimes, even minor monetary ones are routinely punished quite severely, while large scale financial and business crimes are treated much more lenient. Theft of a television might receive a longer sentence than stealing millions through illegal business practices. Part B I am an African American male born in the middle sixties. I come from a solid family background with a rich history and moderate means. In the area where I was born and raised my family is well known. But, on a larger scale as with most black families in America my family history dates back to slavery. During my childhood and teen years I excelled in sports and academics. I achieved a starting position at the quarterback position as a freshman and ran on the varsity track team. After high school I joined the navy and quickly achieved rank during my six year tour. After military  service I achieved a position as a lab tech at a chemical company until my current position as a youth pastor. I am also a college student. I am a husband and father. As a youth pastor that has become my master status. This is a title that supersedes my ascribed and achieved statuses. I don’t believe my ascribed status is a necessarily a role that I play but a label society has tagged me with. How I was born and the circumstances and condition in which I was born was beyond my control. As a black man I believe I have a responsibility to represent my race and culture in a respectable way. I also have a responsibility to my family heritage. My achieved status is what I worked for and what I continue to work for towards building a stronger future. I believe my master status is my most important, because it brings the other statuses into perspective. My role as pastor and most importantly a man of God help me balance my other roles and makes me a better person. A role conflict occurred when I was a head football coach and my coaching staff consisted of close friends. The conflict came when I had to address complaints from parents about one of the coaches who happened to be a family member. I had to separate my family relationship and perform my duty as a head coach and address this concern which was a valid one. The strain of the coaching position became strained when it conflicted with my work schedule and family life. I could no longer absorb the demands it required. I could no longer affectively be the head coach when my time with the team became limited. My role as a youth pastor would cause me the most difficulty in terms of role exit. I have established great relationships with members of my church and a bond with the youth. My role as youth pastor will eventually change when I become a full pastor. I believe that will be the most difficult experience.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What Makes Sammy Run?

What Makes Sammy Run? by Budd Schulberg portrays the life of Sammy Glick – a young and ambitious copy boy who rises to fame as a screenwriter in Hollywood. The name of the novel is significant in itself, for it underlines an age-old question: What makes an individual run? Is it the craving for success? Written in 1941 when the world was relatively quieter in terms of competitive edges, the novel seeks to find an answer to this question. The author does not temper the unethical means Sammy, the protagonist of the novel, resorts to in his run. (Schulberg, p.3)Budd Schulberg completely exposes his main character’s inability to care for others, especially his friends and associates whom he needed during the days of his struggle. Sammy is shown as a person who can go to any extent to fulfill his ambition of attaining the pinnacle of success in Hollywood. He does not mind backstabbing others, even his girlfriend, to reach his long cherished goal, and in the process, make hims elf a victim of self-inflicted loneliness and frustration. This book report is going to present a brief summary of the novel before examining Sammy’s relationship with the narrator Al Manheim.It is also going to make a comparative character analysis of the two, thereby tracing changes in their relation if there is any. The report will also focus emphatically on the end of the novel to investigate Sammy’s situation. Summary What Makes Sammy Run? begins with Al Manheim’s recollection of how he met a teenage Sammy, full of vigor and energy, when the boy was working under him as a copy boy to deliver newspapers. Immediately after he comes to know Sammy personally, he develops a strange attachment for him, partially out of his curiosity to explore the boy’s nature and partially out of his own business interests.However, Sammy regards Al as his best friend and mentor. The story of Sammy’s rise and eventual fall begins when one day he impersonates Manheim and rewrites one of his newspaper columns to impress the managing editor. Thus, Sammy manages to gain a column of his own. Later on, he steals a piece of writing by an aspirant named Julian Blumberg who wishes to make a career in screenwriting profession in Hollywood. This event turns the fortune for Sammy as he is credited for original screenplay of the movie Girl Steals Boy when it hits the theater.The next few years witnesses Sammy climbing the ladder of success and popularity in the most prized seat of stardom in the world. As fate would have it, he hires Blumberg as his ghost writer for a minimal payment. Meanwhile, Manheim comes to know that Catherine ‘Kit’ Sargent, one of the most promising novelists and screenwriters, has developed a crush for Sammy. Although Manheim is emotionally attached to this lady, he is openly told by her that she prefers Sammy to him. In the process tracing Sammy’s frenzied run for success and recognition, Manheim also observes t he power game and corruption that run rampant behind the scene at Hollywood.This is evident from the fact that Sidney Fineman, one of the revered producers around, gets victimized by Sammy, loses his job and dies, apparently of a broken heart. Moreover, Sammy goes about his mindless business of securing his career and personal life in the indignant manner imaginable when he decides to dump his girlfriend to marry Laurette, the daughter of a wealthy Wall Street banker Harrington. This marriage proves to be a disaster for Sammy as Laurette sees it no better than a business affair. Eventually Sammy finds his heart empty – as empty as the big mansion he owes, and orders for getting him a prostitute.Sammy’s relationship with Manheim – Comparison between Two Characters As mentioned earlier, Sammy and Manheim share a relationship of friendship and mentorship. However, reversal of roles and values is one of the major themes in the novel as the mutual dependency between Sammy and Manheim changes in the course of it. It is Sammy who is employed under Manheim in the beginning, but later on Manheim finds himself writing screenplays for Sammy. Again, Manheim is of moderate disposition in comparison with Sammy’s aggressive demeanor.He is portrayed as an observer whereas Sammy is the go-getter in modern corporate terminology. Sammy in the End The ending of What Makes Sammy Run? renders an incisive thrust to the very conscience of its readers. Schulberg gives his protagonist the life he truly deserves after fiddling around with other people’s careers and emotions. So it can be said that the author, with somewhat ironic affection, puts a brake to Sammy Glick’s running wheels of fortune by making him suffer for his actions. References Schulberg, Budd. (1993). What Makes Sammy Run?. New York: Vintage.

Economic Order Quantity and Significant Predictor.

1. Stock prices over a period of fifty (50) years would most likely exhibit no cyclical component. a. True b. False 2. On the plot labeled â€Å"a†, which of the following is correct? a. There is a trend present. b. There is a linear relationship. c. There is an obvious outlier. d. There is a negative relationship. 3. On the plot labeled â€Å"b†, there is an outlier present. a. True b. False 4. On the plot labeled â€Å"c†, which of the following models is most appropriate? a. single-parameter exponential smoothing b. regression c. regression with seasonality (classical time-series) . none of the above are appropriate 5. In a simple linear regression, we are using monthly advertising expenditures (in $000) to predict monthly profits (in $000). If the least squares equation is y = 21. 5 – . 1x and the coefficient of determination is . 49, the correlation coefficient = ______. a. 0. 70 b. -0. 70 c. unable to be determined from the data. 6. In a simple linea r regression, we are using monthly advertising expenditures (in $000) to predict monthly profits (in $000). If the least squares equation is y = 21. 5 – . x and the coefficient of determination is . 49. The predicted profit = __________ when advertising expenses are $0. a. 21. 5 b. -0. 1 c. $21,500 d. none of the above. 7. If the correlation coefficient is zero, there is no relationship between x and y. a. True b. False 8. Kelvin Shoe Stores carries a basic black dress shoe for men that sells at a rate of 500 each quarter. Their current policy is to order 500 per quarter, with a fixed cost of $30/order. The annual holding cost is 20% of the cost of items held. The following cost structure is applicable: Order Quantity |Price/pair | |0-99 |$36 | |100-199 |32 | |200-299 |30 | |300+ |28 | For a price of $36, the optimal order quantity is a. 129 b. infeasible for this cost structure. c. neither of the above. d. both a and b. 9. Kelvin Shoe Stores carries a basic black dress shoe for men that sells at a rate of 500 each quarter.Their current policy is to order 500 per quarter, with a fixed cost of $30/order. The annual holding cost is 20% of the cost of items held. The following cost structure is applicable: |Order Quantity |Price/pair | |0-99 |$36 | |100-199 |32 | |200-299 |30 | |300+ |28 | The optimal order quantity is a. 129 b. 141 c. 146 d. 300 10. Foster Inc. arries special holiday items, including Happy Angels (HAs). During the season, the demand for HAs is approximately normally distributed, with a mean of 320 and a standard deviation of 30. It costs Foster $5. 00 for each HA unless he orders at least 400, at which the price drops to $4. 50/HA. The HAs’ retail price is $10. Unsold items will be given to a local hospital, with a disposal cost of $0. 05/HA. Mr. Foster estimates that the goodwill cost of each item short is close to $0. 25. a. This is a single-period inventory problem. b. This is an EOQ problem. c. This is a periodic-review problem . d. None of the above 11.Foster Inc. carries special holiday items, including Happy Angels (HAs). During the season, the demand for HAs is approximately normally distributed, with a mean of 320 and a standard deviation of 30. It costs Foster $5. 00 for each HA unless he orders at least 400, at which the price drops to $4. 50/HA. The HAs’ retail price is $10. Unsold items will be given to a local hospital, with a disposal cost of $0. 05/HA. Mr. Foster estimates that the goodwill cost of each item short is close to $0. 25. A Christmas-tree model is appropriate. a. True b. False 12. A regular EOQ model is appropriate when demand is seasonal. a. True . False 13. See the attached â€Å"Regression Data I†. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods. First, run a model to predict the profit. Select all which apply. a. Radios is a significant predictor. b. TVs is a significant predictor. c. DVDs is a significant predictor. d. The overall model is significant. e. The intercept is positive. f. Severe multicollinearity is present. 14. See the attached â€Å"Regression Data I†. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods.Next, run a model to predict the cost. Select all which apply. a. Radios is a significant predictor. b. TVs is a significant predictor. c. DVDs is a significant predictor. d. The overall model is significant. e. The intercept is positive. f. Severe multicollinearity is present. 15. See the attached â€Å"Regression Data I†. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods. Based on the output, which of the following recommendations would be most appropriate? a. We should stock more radios. b.We should stock fewer TVs. c. We should increase floor space, since it is probably constraining our sales ability. d. We should consider the time period. 16. What is the best answer given this information? (3) | |Model 1 |Model 2 |Model 3 | |X-variables |6 |4 |3 | |R2 |. 9344 |. 8857 |. 761 | |Adjusted R2 |. 9058 |. 8372 |. 8497 | |MSE |5667. 53 |6044. 05 |5844. 78 | a. Model 1 performs the best in all areas. b. Model 2 performs better than Model 3. c. We would most likely prefer Model 1. d. We would most likely prefer Model 2. e. We would most likely prefer Model 3. 17. The table below features three forecasting models used on the same set of data. Select all that apply. |Model 1 |Model 2 |Model 3 | |Type |Single-parameter Exponential |2-parameter Exponential smoothing |3-parameter Exponential smoothing| | |smoothing | | | |MSE |8755. 3 |4876. 2 |5945. 8 | a. There is likely a strong seasonal component present. b. There is likely a trend present. c. There is no random component present. d.There is a cyclical component present. e. A different smoothing constant could affect the MSE for Model 1. 18. If we increase the order (setup) cost, the order quantity will _____________ if we hold all other costs constant. a. increase b. decrease c. remain the same as long as there is no shortage cost d. become unstable 19. If demand is normally distributed, a. a basic EOQ is appropriate. b. a single-period model could not be appropriate. c. we should produce to fill demand, rather than filling it through orders. d. none of the above would be true. 20. Which of the following methods may be used to determine future order quantities? . forecasting b. regression c. inventory models d. all of the above 21. Refer to the inventory output for Betsy’s Blue Bonnet Bakery. Here, Betsy is trying to determine the optimal order policy for birthday kits. What is the safety stock? 114____________ 22. Refer to #21. What is Betsy’s service level if she uses this policy? 87%________________ 23. Refer to #21. If Betsy changes to a lost sales model, the order quantity would be expe cted to increase. a. True b. False c. It depends on the cost associated with a lost sale. 24. Refer to the forecasting output for Betsy’s. This model is appropriate for the type of data. . True b. False 25. Refer to #24. Look at the forecast errors. Which of the following best describes the situation? a. The errors are indicative of what we like to see. b. The errors are randomly distributed. c. The errors are indicative of a problem with the model. d. The errors are indicative of a poor choice of ?. 26. Refer to #24. What recommendation would you make? a. We should use the model as is. b. We should alter model parameters to improve the fit? c. We should use the model, but use extreme caution in doing so. d. We should eliminate some time periods for forecasting. Regression Data I Profit | | | | | |Revenue | | | | | |Radios | | | | | |TVs | | | | | |DVDs | | | | | | | | | | | |Quarter | | | | | |Errors | | | | | | | | | | | |6318. 96 | | | | | |8395. 1 | | | | | |36 | | | | | |65 | | | | | |48 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4721. 57 | | | | | |6300. 28 | | | | | |26 | | | | | |48 | | | | |39 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |5049. 16 | | | | | |6747. 5 | | | | | |33 | | | | | |51 | | | | | |40 | | | | | | | | | | | |2000 – 3 | | | | | |32 | | | | | | | | | | | |5249. 44 | | | | | |7028. 6 | | | | | |29 | | | | | |53 | | | | | |45 | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | |46 | | | | | | | | | | | |5290. 08 | | | | | |7116. 1 | | | | | |32 | | | | | |52 | | | | | |49 | | | | | | | | | | | |2001 – 1 | | | | | |19 | | | | | | | | | | | |5924. 41 | | | | | |7951. 0 | | | | | |41 | | | | | |58 | | | | | |52 | | | | | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | |23 | | | | | | | | | | | |5251. 97 | | | | | |7031. 09 | | | | | |36 | | | | |52 | | | | | |44 | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | |34 | | | | | | | | | | | |4805. 72 | | | | | |6462. 8 | | | | | |31 | | | | | |47 | | | | | |44 | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | |49 | | | | | | | | | | | |5278. 60 | | | | | |7162. 2 | | | | | |46 | | | | | |49 | | | | | |51 | | | | | | | | | | | |2002 – 1 | | | | | |22 | | | | | | | | | | | |5301. 77 | | | | | |7136. 5 | | | | | |43 | | | | | |51 | | | | | |46 | | | | | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | |20 | | | | | | | | | | | |6121. 98 | | | | | |8249. 4 | | | | | |45 | | | | | |59 | | | | | |56 | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | |31 | | | | | | | | | | | |5416. 63 | | | | | |7244. 79 | | | | | |29 | | | | |55 | | | | | |46 | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | |51 | | | | | | | | | | | |6552. 89 | | | | | |8718. 1 | | | | | |43 | | | | | |67 | | | | | |48 | | | | | | | | | | | |2003 – 1 | | | | | |16 | | | | | | | | | | | |6352. 93 | | | | | |8494. 2 | | | | | |46 | | | | | |63 | | | | | |51 | | | | | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | |26 | | | | | | | | | | | |6693. 01 | | | | | |8881. 5 | | | | | |55 | | | | | |68 | | | | | |43 | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | |37 | | | | | | | | | | | |5761. 97 | | | | | |7669. 0 | | | | | |48 | | | | | |58 | | | | | |39 | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | |48 | | | | | | | | | | | |5419. 50 | | | | | |7265. 38 | | | | |33 | | | | | |54 | | | | | |47 | | | | | | | | | | | |2004 -1 | | | | | |22 | | | | | | | | | | | |5474. 64 | | | | | |7302. 7 | | | | | |35 | | | | | |55 | | | | | |44 | | | | | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | |24 | | | | | | | | | | | |4650. 87 | | | | | |6335. 9 | | | | | |41 | | | | | |42 | | | | | |49 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4781. 91 | | | | | |6438. 3 | | | | | |48 | | | | | |45 | | | | | |39 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MULTI-PERIOD EOQ MODEL (Backordering) – NORMAL LEAD-TIME DEMAND | | | | | | | | | | |PROBLEM: |Betsy's Blue Bonnet Bakery | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Parameter Values: | | | | | | | |Mean of Demand Distribution: mu = | | | | | |1,000 | | | |Stand. Deviation of Demand Distribution: sigma = | | | | |100 | | | |Fixed Cost per Order: k = | | | | | | | |5,000 | | | |Annual Demand Rate: A = | | | | | | | |52,000 | | | |Unit Cost of Procuring an Item: c| |42. 00 | | | |= | | | | | |Annual Holding Cost per Dollar Value: h = |0. 20 | | | |Shortage Cost per Unit: pS = | |10. 0 | | | | | | | | | | |Optimal Values: | | | | | | | |Optimal Order Quantity: Q* = | 7,919 | | | | |Optimal Reorder Point: r* = | 1,114 | | | | |Expected Demand: mu = | 1,000 | | | | |Total Expected Cost: TEC(Q*) = | $ 67,471. 4 | | | | |Expected Shortages: B(r*) = |6. 47 | | | | |Probability of Shortage: P[D;r*] |0. 13 | | | | |= | | | |Betsy's Blue Bonnet Bakery | | | | | | |? = |0. 3 |? = |0. 5 |? = |0. | | | | | | | | | | | |   |   |Actual |Trend |Slope |Seasonal |Forecast |Error | |Quarter |t |Sales, Yt |Tt |bt |St |Ft | | |2003 W |1 | 36,500 |   |   |   |   | | |1988 S |2 | 43,750 | 36,500. 00 | 7,250. 00 |1. 20 |   | | |1988 S |3 | 59,920 | 48,601. 00 | 9,675. 50 |1. 23 |   | | |1988 F |4 | 87,440 | 67,025. 55 | 14, 050. 03 |1. 0 |   | | |2004 W |5 | 102,240 | 87,424. 90 | 17,224. 69 |1. 17 |   | | |1988 S |6 | 123,420 | 104,144. 98 | 16,972. 38 |1. 19 | 125,436. 15 | (2,016. 15) | |1988 S |7 | 139,610 | 118,753. 37 | 15,790. 39 |1. 19 | 149,325. 16 | (9,715. 16) | |1988 F |8 | 135,380 | 125,312. 56 | 11,174. 79 |1. 13 | 175,522. 72 | (40,142. 72) | |2005 W |9 | 129,470 | 128,753. 89 | 7,308. 06 |1. 04 | 159,616. 61 | (30,146. 1) | |1988 S |10 | 137,570 | 129,989. 43 | 4,271. 80 |1. 08 | 161,612. 88 | (24,042. 88) | |1988 S |11 | 156,630 | 133,566. 44 | 3,924. 41 |1. 18 | 159,379. 23 | (2,749. 23) | |1988 F |12 | 150,980 | 136,498. 26 | 3,428. 11 |1. 11 | 154,702. 82 | (3,722. 82) | |2006 W |13 | 143,340 | 139,362. 57 | 3,146. 21 |1. 03 | 145,291. 38 | (1,951. 38) | |1988 S |14 | 153,360 | 142,190. 68 | 2,987. 16 |1. 08 | 154,509. 63 | (1,149. 3) | |1988 S |15 | 169,730 | 144,939. 30 | 2,867. 89 |1. 17 | 170,664. 76 | (934. 76) | |1988 F |16 | 161,990 | 147,249. 54 | 2,589. 07 |1. 10 | 164, 053. 12 | (2,063. 12) | |2007 W |17 | 154,760 | 149,940. 86 | 2,640. 19 |1. 03 | 154,408. 75 |351. 25 | |1988 S |18 | 164,780 | 152,592. 38 | 2,645. 85 |1. 08 | 164,739. 26 |40. 74 | |1988 S |19 | 186,730 | 156,466. 79 | 3,260. 13 |1. 19 | 181,930. 65 | 4,799. 5 | |1988 F |20 | 177,880 | 160,230. 59 | 3,511. 97 |1. 11 | 176,029. 75 | 1,850. 25 | |2008 W |21 | 170,360 | 164,152. 06 | 3,716. 72 |1. 04 | 168,951. 59 | 1,408. 41 | |1988 S |22 | 178,830 | 167,190. 82 | 3,377. 74 |1. 07 | 181,270. 26 | (2,440. 26) | |1988 S |23 | 195,550 | 168,732. 72 | 2,459. 82 |1. 16 | 202,826. 81 | (7,276. 81) | |1988 F |24 | 187,220 | 170,501. 72 | 2,114. 41 |1. 10 | 189,772. 64 | (2,552. 4) | |2009 W |25 | 163,230 | 168,070. 53 | (158. 39) |0. 98 | 178,936. 82 | (15,706. 82) | |1988 S |26 | 162,890 | 163,137. 87 | (2,545. 53) |1. 01 | 179,944. 64 | (17,054. 64) | |1988 S |27 | 174,540 | 157,361. 67 | (4,160. 86) |1. 12 | 187,085. 45 | (12,545. 45) | |1988 F |28 | 163,130 | 151,724. 53 | (4,899. 00) |1. 08 | 168,543. 79 | (5,413. 79) | |2010 W |29 | |   | |   | 144,517. 6 | | |1988 S |30 | |   | |   | 143,788. 09 | | |1988 S |31 | |   | |   | 153,515. 48 | | |1988 F |32 |   |   |   |   | 142,720. 95 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |MSE = |175,943,211 | | | |